
Monday, August 20, 2007

Sameera abused and heckled by a lathi-wielding mob in Mumbai

Actress Sameera Reddy who has been working with a Mumbai-based home for destitutes, called Dream Homes, was abused and heckled by a mob of 15-20 persons that forced its way into the home and attempted to assault her. Police, however, arrived just in time to rescue her from the mob's wrath.
Vijay karande, secretary of the organisation that runs the home, said Sameera and her sister Meghna were in the midst of a programme organised for the 21 children in the home when men, carrying sticks, forced their way in. They began hurling abuses and started heckling her. Officials at the home immediately called up the police station. And, the cops stepped in quickly to avert any incident.
Apparently, the landlady had issued eviction notices to the home's officials after Karande filed a complaint two months ago against a tenant for 'molesting' a girl inmate.
Sameera said after the incident,"I have been trying to raise funds to buy a house for these children, and what do I get? I have just managed to escape with the help of the police. I am shaken and scared, I don't know what to do."

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